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Project 2 Conference Reflection

Today I had my conference with Mat for Project 2. I had already made comments on my own paper of things that I was unsure of. Mat gave me clarification on how I should cite some Facebook posts in my paper as I included screenshots of them. I used these posts to analyze how the rescue utilizes the mass sharing ability of Facebook. Mat suggested that I go further and analyze the content of each individual photo and what is happening within it (ethos, pathos, logos stuff like we did in class last week). He also brought to light that the two questions that I address in my paper - what motivates them to do all this work for no monetary profit? Another consideration may be why people adopt these shelter dogs of uncertain backgrounds and health history over a dog from a puppy mill - are actual the same question, but directed at two different groups involved in the community. This will make it easier for me to answer the two more coherently without doing twice as much work than is necessary. Overall, I feel confident in where my Project 2 is going after the conference today and have no doubts in my ability to answer the prompt and meet the word count. Thanks Mat!!

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